Monday, October 19, 2009

Better Than Hallmark

Brian and I have been keeping a written journal since we got engaged in 1998. We used to do a pretty good job of writing about places we have visited, big events, the birth of the kids etc. Or at least I thought we had.... it turned out that it has been four years since the last entry. Brian found the journal this past weekend and made time to add an entry for Sweetest Day. Thought I would share.... Shhhh. Don't tell Brian!

Dearest Susan,

Happy Sweetest Day!

To my one and only Sweetie!

I am so thankful to have someone as loving, caring, supportive and kind as you. And thankful that we have two little Sweeties as well!

I truly, truly appreciate all that you are, Susan, all that you do, all that you give. In the four years since I last wrote in this journal (actually 4 1/2 years.. I apologize...) so much has changes in our lives, raising William and Claudia (and our menagerie with our never ending "entertainment"!) yet so much has stayed the same...

I still love you with all my heart and would do anything for you. I do not take for granted what you have brought to my life and how you make our life so wonderful, so meaningful, so interesting. It's comforting to know that we have each other to lean on, to talk to, to share our ideas and concerns with, to smile with when Claudia says, "Be back in a jiff!"

Sharing these moments together and doing our best to enjoy life as much as we can, even when the pace seems so frenetic and there seems to be so much to do....

I thank you for being you and for being my Sweetest, as I am always yours.

All my love,


Anonymous said...

from the heart dawg keepin' it real with words like menagerie and frenetic? no doubt when you use words like that your love is truly real! Happy sweetest day to all of you!
uncle r

On Stage said...

Happy Sweetest Day to you too Uncle R.

I still think Brian only married me so he could be related to you...

I also think Brian is writing sappy letters to get out of the dog-house for "something". I don't know what the "something" is yet. Might have to do with our upcoming anniversary.

Amy Flippin Blankenship said...

DAYUM! That was one awesome letter. **STEALING** for Joe's birthday on Thursday.. SSSShhhhhh!!

On Stage said...

Amy, If you borrow this, Brian wants the royalties (or a cold beer)!