Saturday, April 09, 2011

Claudia's Tooth

Dear Claudia,

Congratulations!  You lost your first tooth on April 3rd.

It was a wiggly little thing for quite some time, driving you absolutely crazy!  You wouldn't let anyone get near it except for William.  You asked him to pull it out for you, but he was afraid to hurt you, so the two of you came downstairs in search of the Master Tooth-Puller (that would be me).  I gave that little guy a slight tug and out it came.

As relieved as you were to have the tooth out, you did not want to turn it over to the Tooth Fairy (I don't blame you... the whole Tooth Fairy thing is kind of creepy), so you wrote the Tooth Fairy a note (which I will eventually scan and include) asking the Fairy to leave the tooth with you.

The Tooth Fairy was so impressed by your note, that she left the tooth with you and also left you $3.00!!

It seems that you will be following in William's footsteps because you have two more wiggly teeth that will be coming out soon.

Congratulations Claudi on losing your tooth and being brave enough to ask the Tooth Fairy to leave your tooth with you!

Your Favorite Mommy :)

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