Friday, August 20, 2010

William's Tooth


Today you lost your first tooth. Well, actually, you didn't lose it. You pulled it out all by yourself.

It all started with one loose tooth on the middle bottom which quickly turned into two loose teeth, The second loose tooth became much "wigglier" than the first. It was really "bugging" you. You had me wiggle both teeth several times this morning. I told you that I have had a lot of experience with loose teeth (my own and those teeth of my students) and that I really thought your teeth were not ready to come out yet.

I went back to reading the newspaper... which was what I was doing when you asked me to wiggle your teeth. With in a few seconds you slapped a tooth on the newspaper as yelled, "My tooth came out!!!". Sure enough, there on the newspaper was a little bitty baby tooth staring at me. You ,too, were staring at me like "Haaa. I told you it was going to come out."

I started to cry and hug and kiss you because I was so excited for you and because I couldn't believe it actually came out. Then I realized you were bleeding a lot and grabbed some napkins. The bleeding stopped after a few minutes and we called Dad who answered the phone (that NEVER happens).

So, tonight the Tooth Fairy is going to make a visit to the house and hopefully bring you a large amount of cash.

Way to go William!!! Congratulations

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