Thursday, February 12, 2009

One Word... Yeah, Right!

My friend from House of Blank, who has not updated her blog in the last 24 years, tagged me with this.... and because I am so compliant, I decided to change the rules... a little bit. No one word answers for me!

One Word (make me)

You can ONLY answer Yes or No! You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and asks!Now, here's what you're supposed to do... And please do not spoil the fun (try and stop me).

Kissed anyone of your Facebook friends? Do family member count? How about "Spin the Bottle" in junior high?

Been arrested? Not recently

Kissed someone you didn't like? Yes, there's no need to elaborate.

Slept in until 5 PM? Nope, If I wake up after 5:00 a.m., it's a good day.

Fallen asleep at work/school? Yes, when I was pregnant with William.

Held a snake? Yes, Sebastian and Slinky (I'm an overachiever)

Ran a red light? Yes, but it was orange. I swear, Officer!

Been suspended from school? Nope.... no detentions either.

Totaled your car/motorbike in an accident? No. I did smash up the front end while driving the behaviorally challenged kids to camp.

Been fired from a job? Kind of, more like "let go" because they wouldn't work around my high school softball schedule.

Sang karaoke? Never! Listening to this is almost as painful as listening to someone chew gum.

Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Does picking up dog poop in the yard count?

Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Yes, but it was tuna.

Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes, no calories.

Kissed in the rain? Yes, the kids.

Sang in the shower? Always, it blocks out the screams from the kids.

Sat on a rooftop? Yes, college apartments.

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? Yes, Cancun 1988. I was the first to get thrown in a pool at a bar.

Broken a bone? Several. My leg in a few places when I was 14 and my toe when I was 38.

Shaved your head? No, but Brian shaved his head.... GROSS!

Blacked out from drinking? Can't seem to remember...

Played a prank on someone? Kathy, do you remember back in 1992 when I told you I tried the meal worm cake at Purdue's Bug Expo and then you tried it.... well, I really didn't eat it!

Felt like killing someone? Not today.

Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Yes, I'm mean.

Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? Do my hyper children count?

Been in a band? Just air guitar with William.

Shot a gun? Yes, an air gun in Michigan when I was in gradeschool. Oh, and the shotting gallery at Bass Pro Shop.

Donated Blood? No, but with all the blood tests I've had in the last 5 years, it has to be equivalent to several donations.

Eaten alligator meat? Yes

Eaten cheesecake? Yes (stupid question)

Still love someone you shouldn't? I still have feelings for the UPS guy ever since he carried all my Dell boxes into the house when I was pregnant with William. He probably would have set up the computer if I had asked him....

Think about the future? Yes, painting the house and buying a minivan....

Believe in love? It depends what kind of mood Brian's in....(just kidding, Bri)

Sleep on a certain side of the bed? Yes, when I'm forced to sleep with Brian.


Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

Funny list! That wouldn't have been such a great read with only one word! Thanks for being a rebel!

Mrs. Nurse Boy

Amy Flippin Blankenship said...

HAHA..this was fun reading. OH, and I'm sorry I haven't updated my blog. I'll go do that in the 3.5 minutes I have now before I have to clean the house (Joe comes home tonight), take a shower, go to downtown Grayson (it's not THAT far away) to get the key to the Senior Center so the board of directors at the park (Joe's on it) can have a meeting on Sunday, go get the dog's food I left at the vet a couple of weeks ago when we went to Savannah for the wedding, go get my bangs trimmed, and go drop off the dry cleaning. All before 3pm when the kids get home. LOL