Friday, September 05, 2008

One LOOOONG Week!!!

Gosh, this has been the longest week ever! So many changes have happened this week.

First, we started the whole preschool thing. As exciting as preschool is, it has been an emotional roller coaster for the whole family. I have done my best to hide my tears and let the kids know what an exciting time this is for them. They aren't big on change, just like their mother. William, for example, has been aggressive all week. In addition to his aggression, he has been crying about everything.

Secondly, there is Claudia and her nanas (pacifiers). Over the past two weeks, we told her since she would be in preschool, it was time to say goodbye to the nanas. Last Saturday, she had to part with them. It has been rough on her. Mom too! No more naps - due to no nanas and afternoon preschool twice a week. Going to sleep in the evening has gone from stress free to "You must stay in your bed" 94 times each evening.................

Third, is the whole potty issue with Claudia..... She is reluctant to use the potty. After digging up some literature from the pediatrician and reading it, we decided to take a new approach. Totally back off, stop nagging and make her responsible for using the bathroom. No diapers, no pull-ups, just underwear. She actually peed in the potty on her own yesterday. Although, she cried hysterically the whole time because the Princess potty does not have the biggest insert and she peed everywhere. But she did try to use the potty!

Preschool is tied into the potty, too. Potty equals preschool. No potty, no preschool. These are supposed to be the rules. Except.... the preschool director said it was okay for Claudia to attend in pull-ups. "She'll learn as she sees the others using the potty". What she is really saying is "I want your tuition money every month".

Claudia's teachers feel differently. They were not aware of Claudia and the potty issue. (Hello? What's with the lack of communication between the teachers and director? Now I'm thinking that we picked a winner of a preschool.) The teachers said that Claudia needs to come to school in underwear. If she has more than two accidents, she will be sent home and should be "sent to her room for the afternoon because she was asked to leave preschool". As if I might actually punish my child for having an accident. What the heck is wrong with these teachers?!!!? Instead of questioning them, I simply nodded and left.

There have been some other changes this week, but now I'm all caught up in the potty issue and I can't remember what else I was going to write.

It's funny. I always thought I would have more free time once the kids started in school. Boy, was I wrong! The kids don't know what to do with themselves when the other sibling is gone. Mostly Claudia. They are so used to have a buddy to play with. Yesterday, after dropping off Claudia, William and I went to the library. Today is Claudia's turn for the library and a quick trip to Target.

Completing the big house projects are now a dream of the past.........



Anonymous said...

It was a long week, wasn't it? Changes wear ya' out!! On Thurday Chris and I got home from preschool and we both crashed out on the couch for like 2 1/2 hours. He actually fell asleep on the couch...that never happens. That is strange that the teachers have such a different approach than the director....and who are they to tell you what to do with your child?? The POTTY=PRESCHOOL is what helped us. We still have accidents though. It may sound mean, but I'd pretend like I was calling his teachers to tell them he couldn't come to preschool if I could tell he was getting ready to hide and poop, then he'd run for the bathroom. Here's to a happy week 2! :)Holly

Anonymous said...

Mimi and I are so sorry to see you kids go thru this turmoil. I remember our conversation about this in the kitchen the other day, and I recall the apprehension you had on this subject. It is not my place to tell you how to raise your children, or what is best for them; that is the parent's job, and I respect that. Even so, Claudia is our granddaughter and we love her very much,.

I want you both to keep in mind that she is only 2 years old, and a lot of things have been thrown at her (and William and you) very quickly! Yes, she does great with other kids and she thinks she is ready to attend pre-school. BUT, if she doesn't get to go this year, what harm is that REALLY going to do? She is not a little adult, she is a two-year-old. They are resilient, and they adjust to things. She is not going to harbor ill feelings or brood long-term on this pre-school failure. Instead, she is very likely to adapt to the new schedule of spending daily time with her mom while William is off at school. She can give up the nana in her own time, and she can become used to the potty without the pressure and stress of the pre-school demand. Yes, she is very bright and yes, she may very well be intellectually ready for pre-school; but because of all the changes being required of her under pressure, she is not emotionally ready for this.

Please reconsider your decision to make this work. Remember, she is facing three years of pre-school anyway; from a grandparent point of view, this just does not seem like a big priority for the family, and it is creating stress that you kids do NOT need right now!

Just our two cents worth; we love all of you dearly, and want you to be happy!!!


mommy to an angel said...
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mommy to an angel said...

You're doing great Susan and Brian. The kids will eventually adjust - It's only been one week!
Hang in there!